Aspin Park Academy

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Aspin Park Academy

  1. Children
  2. Year Groups
  3. Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Year 5 September Workshop for Parents

Year 5 Parent Workshop

Our Newsletters

Our Curriculum Newsletters provide parents with an overview of the half terms teaching and learning in Year 5.

Autumn 1 – Anglo Saxons

Autumn 2 - North America

Spring 1 - Local History - Crime and Punishment

Spring 2 - Distribution of Natural Resources

Summer 1 - Maya

Summer 2 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes

In Year Five, teaching and learning is accessed through a variety of teaching methods. These include active learning, whole class/group discussions and investigations. Children are then encouraged to complete differentiated independent tasks including opportunities for challenge.

You can view our long term plan here


Take a Look Inside our Classrooms...


English teaching is closely linked with the topic we are covering and our class novel. Children are encouraged to read their scheme reading book daily and to choose other books from the class library. Reading is taught through the use of Vipers Questioning (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising). These are sometimes oral/class sessions and sometimes independent written tasks. Reading and Topic strands also feed into the teaching of writing. Children are encouraged to write for various purposes and to write, edit and publish their work. Grammar and spellings are also taught in conjunction with the genre of writing.



Maths is taught daily using the White Rose Scheme as a basis to ensure progression and coverage across each year group. A maths lesson will include a hook for the learning objective (i.e a reason for developing this skills or knowledge). This will be followed by class exploration of the learning which will include a mixture of paired and group work, further leading onto the opportunities for independent practice. This includes developing reasoning and problem-solving skills.



Units of Work

Each year, we will have several seven- or eight-week units of work which are History or Geography based but closely align to our year group Art and DT skills progression.

Other foundation subjects are taught discretely using:

  • Purple Mash (ICT)
  • Charanga (Music)
  • Jigsaw (PSHE)
  • Switched on Science (Science)
  • Beyond the Physical (PE)
  • North Yorkshire Schemes (French & RE)

EDI is threaded through the whole curriculum.


We are currently alternating between a piece of Maths and English homework each week. Every Friday, your child will receive a piece of homework and their spellings. The homework will be due in the following Thursday. We recommend that your child reads their school books regularly and that they spend time on Reading Plus to develop their comprehension skills.