Aspin Park Academy

Welcome to

Aspin Park Academy

  1. Curriculum
  2. PE


In Key Stage 1, children are taught to develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They learn to be able to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

In Key Stage 2, children build on this foundation and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use and sequence them in different ways. They learn how to effectively communicate, collaborate, and compete with each other. They develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

We are lucky enough to work with Total Sports whose coaches work with different classes across the year and provide a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs for all of our pupils.

Please contact school if you would like any further information about our PE curriculum and sports provision.

We use PE Pro as a resource to structure our PE lessons. PR Pro is a broad and ambitious, fully mapped curriculum from EYFS to Year 6. Our lessons follow a learning objective with a success criteria that ensures all children can be successful in the lesson. Each lesson follows the same structure; Get Active, Athletic Development, Skill, Game. The lesson are inclusive of all abilities and promote adaptive teaching methods to ensure all needs are met. 

Our PE progression document


Clubs & COmpetitions

At Aspin we like to offer a range of lunchtime and after school sports clubs for the children to participate in. Our pupils participate in competitions with other schools, such as football and athletics. The range of clubs and competitions is ever changing and growing in response to demand.