Aspin Park Academy

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Aspin Park Academy

  1. Curriculum
  2. English
  3. Writing


Our Writing Flow Chart outlines key aspects of writing teaching and learning in KS1 and KS2 at Aspin Park Academy.

Our writing progression document.

Pedagogical Approach

Our approach is centred around a carefully chosen text to inspire children and enthuse their learning. In writing we follow the three C’s approach, whereby children Collect, Connect and Create. This is delivered through our pedagogical approach where we sow the seeds of enthusiasm with writing missions introduced to the children.  Children are given a purpose for their writing and are introduced to an audience.  

Collect - We engage the children in their writing mission by encouraging talk around the mission. We collect good examples of writing by unpicking WAGOLLs (what good one looks like). All writing is linked to the wider curriculum, a class novel or a real experience. The children collect vocabulary, sentences, contextual ideas. 

Connect - Modelling is a key part of the teaching of writing to ensure children view examples and edit/review to improve at all stages.  We develop the skills to be used in the mission through teaching and revisiting grammar, spelling and handwriting daily. Through questioning and application, we enable children to explore the style and structure of texts for specific purposes. The children then connect all their ideas and gathered information to be able to write. 

Create - We conclude our writing mission by giving children independent writing opportunities, termly.  Writing missions’ are published as final pieces, displayed in classrooms and shared with the specified audience.  Children’s writing opportunities are carefully thought out to be meaningful or purposeful.


At Aspin Park Academy, we will support all children to be great communicators through their writing.  We want our children to get enjoyment from their writing and to be carried away by the creative possibilities when they put pen to paper.  We will encourage children’s enthusiasm and engagement in writing by making teaching relevant to children – writing will be linked to their learning (in or out of school.) We teach children to re-read, edit and improve their own writing, and to confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 



Children will have the opportunity to write for a wide range of purposes: great writing is not just for English lessons. Writing is a skill that is used and taught across the curriculum; engaging teaching, KUNCU strategies and the RWI scheme are the key tools used to support the teaching of writing at Aspin.  Grammar skills are taught or revisited in every writing lesson.  Writing missions are shared with children so that they have a clear idea of why they are writing, their audience and the skills that they will need to make their writing their best.  Through weekly talking homework and class discussion, we encourage lots of talk around writing, in and out of school, to stimulate curiosity, a rich vocabulary and creative ideas. Children are given the opportunity to write independently every term to demonstrate their application of skills and how embedded and sustainable their writing skills are.  


Pupils will make good progress every year from their own starting points. By the end of Year Six they will be able to write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of purposes and audiences. Our children will acquire a rich vocabulary and have a strong command of the written word. Most importantly, they will develop a love of writing and be well equipped for the rest of their education.

"I enjoy editing my writing and seeing the published piece displayed. I find writing creative and enjoy the different types of writing we do."