Aspin Park Academy

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Aspin Park Academy

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  2. PE Premium

PE Premium

PE and Sport Premium Funding

At Aspin Park Academy we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement, Sowing the Seeds of Success a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better. We have welcomed the Government’s announcement to extend the Sport Premium to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. The Government is spending over £450 million on this funding over the 5 academic years 2013 - 2018. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

 How we are using it at Aspin Park Academy

 Aspin Park Academy has long been a Healthy School which is committed to delivering high quality and consistent PE provision to all our children. This enables our children to improve their health, fitness, welfare and wellbeing, their understanding of sport, teamwork and citizenship. We also promote an inclusive ethos, where all pupils enjoy participating in sport; empowering them to become the best they can be.

 As a result of increased sporting participation, Aspin’s pupils will have improved health and well-being, whilst also benefitting from all the other positive values that sport promotes. In addition to encouraging increased physical activity among pupils, we will ensure that we teach children about healthy lifestyles.

Please click on the link below to see a detailed breakdown of the spending of the PE Premium.